Culture Vs Western Culture -

Culture Vs Western Culture Culture Vs Western Culture.

The Greeks contrasted themselves with both their Eastern neighbours such as the Trojans in Iliad as well as their Western neighbours who they considered barbarians. What is thought of as Western thought today originates primarily from Greco-Roman and Germanic influences, and includes the ideals of the Middle Agesthe Renaissanceand the Enlightenmentas well as Christian culture. Alexander the Great While the concept of a "West" did not exist until the emergence of the Culture Vs Western Culture Republicthe roots of the concept can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Since Homeric literature the Trojan Warsthrough the accounts of the Persian Wars of Greeks against Persians by Herodotusand right up until the time of Alexander the Greatthere was a paradigm of a contrast between Greeks Challenges Of British other civilizations.

During this here writers like Herodotus and Xenophon would highlight the importance of freedom in the Ancient Greek world, as opposed to the perceived slavery of the so-called barbaric world. Following the Cultrue conquest of the Hellenistic world, the concept of a "West" arose, as there was a cultural divide between the Greek East and Latin West. The "Greek" East was generally wealthier and more advanced than the "Latin" West[ citation Westen ]. With the exception of ItaliaCulture Vs Western Culture wealthiest provinces of the Roman Empire were in the East, particularly Roman Egypt which was the wealthiest Roman province outside of Italia.

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The Roman Empire at its greatest extent. For about five hundred years, the Roman Empire maintained the Greek East and consolidated a Latin West, but an east—west division remained, reflected in many cultural norms of the two areas, including language. Eventually, the empire became increasingly split into a Western and Eastern part, reviving old ideas of a contrast Culture Vs Western Culture an advanced East, and a rugged West.

From the time of Alexander the Great the Hellenistic periodGreek civilization came in contact with Jewish civilization. Christianity would eventually emerge from the syncretism of Hellenic cultureRoman cultureand Second Temple JudaismCulture Vs Western Culture spreading across the Roman Cultkre and eclipsing its antecedents and influences. Roman culture also mixed with CelticGermanicand Slavic cultures, which slowly Cuoture integrated into Western culture: starting mainly with their acceptance of Christianity. After the fall of Romemuch of Greco-Roman art, literature, science and even technology were all but lost in the western part of the old empire.

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However, this would become the center of a new West. Europe fell into political anarchy, with many warring kingdoms read more principalities. Under the Frankish kings, it eventually, and partially, reunified, and the anarchy evolved into feudalism. Much of the basis of the post-Roman cultural world had been set before the fall of the Empiremainly through the integration and reshaping of Roman ideas through Christian thought. The Greek and Roman paganism had been completely replaced by Christianity around the Culture Vs Western Culture and 5th centuries, since it became the official State religion following the baptism of the emperor Constantine I. Orthodox Christian Christianity and the Nicene Creed served as a unifying force in Christian parts of Europe, and in some respects replaced or competed with the secular authorities.

Culture Vs Western Culture

The Jewish Christian tradition out of which it had emerged was all but extinguished, and antisemitism became increasingly entrenched or even integral to Christendom. The Church founded many cathedralsuniversitiesmonasteries and seminariessome of which continue to exist today. Thomas Aquinasa Catholic philosopher of the Middle Agesrevived and developed natural law from ancient Greek philosophy Medieval Christianity is credited with creating the first modern universities. The philosophy and science of Classical Greece were largely forgotten in Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, other than in isolated monastic enclaves notably in Ireland, which had become Christian but was never conquered by Rome. Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis Roman civil law code was created in Culture Vs Western Culture East Culture Vs Western Culture his capital of Constantinople, [38] and that city maintained trade and intermittent political control over outposts such as Venice in the West for centuries.

Classical Greek learning was also subsumed, preserved, and elaborated in the rising Eastern world, which gradually supplanted Roman-Byzantine control as a dominant cultural-political force.

Culture Vs Western Culture

Thus, much of the learning of classical antiquity was slowly Cuoture to European civilization in the centuries following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. The rediscovery Culture Vs Western Culture the Justinian Code in Western Europe early in the 10th century rekindled a passion for the discipline of law, which crossed many of the re-forming boundaries between East and West. In the Catholic or Frankish west, Roman law became the foundation on which all legal concepts and systems were based.

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Its influence is found in all Western legal systems, although in different manners and to different extents. The study of canon lawthe legal system of the Catholic Church, fused with that of Roman law to form the basis of the refounding of Western legal scholarship. During the Reformation and Enlightenment, the ideas of civil rightsequality before the lawprocedural justiceand democracy as the ideal form of society began to be institutionalized as principles forming the basis of modern Western culture, particularly in Protestant regions. In the 14th century, starting from Italy and then spreading throughout Europe, [59] there was a massive artistic, architectural, scientific and philosophical revival, as a result of the Christian revival of Greek philosophy, and the long Christian medieval tradition that established the use of reason as one of the most Culture Vs Western Culture of human activities.


In the following century, this process was further enhanced by an exodus of Greek Christian priests and scholars to Culture Vs Western Culture cities such as Venice after the end of the Byzantine Empire with the fall of Constantinople.

The discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus. From Late Antiquitythrough the Middle Agesand onwards, while Eastern Europe was shaped by the Orthodox ChurchSouthern and Central Europe were increasingly stabilized by the Catholic Church which, as Roman imperial governance faded from view, was the only consistent force in Western Europe.]

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