The Key Causes Of The War On -

The Key Causes Of The War On

Q acts within the law.

The Key Causes Of The War On

Some Qdrops are for those who want to see and some to confound the enemy. WTF are you talking about. You make no sense. The nation is in peril, every citizen takes an oath to defend this nation from, among other things, this exact scenario.

Hundred Years’ War

It is both a right and obligation of every citizen to be intimately familiar with any and all information of the nature Q claims to have. It is this very same pernicious nature of the Q O and pizza gate before it which clearly illuminate the reality that the game is completely corrupted. As such it is insane to think for even a second that Q can ever "win" by playing the game. Revolutions are never legal. Ultimately this country serves the people, not the other way around.

Hundred Year's War Key Events

When the people revolt they violate the laws of the state. When the state defies the will of the people it commits treason and invalidates all of it's authority over the people. This is the only truth that matters. How do they confound the enemy?

The Key Causes Of The War On

The "enemy" reads the same boards you tards do. If they get confused so do you. You really think these Q drops are so secretive that larpers can figure it out but not the full resources of western intelligence agencies?

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That sounds retarded. As above, seriously? Q posted Oct Dec I guess it feels like longer. Look how frantic and deranged the Dems and GOPe have become.

The Key Causes Of The War On

Extraordinary times. Enjoy the show. Dude, you're being played. You have a duty to uphold a certain standard if you want to call yourself an American. You're falling short if you cannot see. Perhaps you've made an error and will consider an appropriate remedy.]

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