Causes Of Teenage Addiction -

Causes Of Teenage Addiction Video

Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse Causes Of Teenage Addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

But these days, things have changed. Social media addiction is on a rampage.

Causes Of Teenage Addiction

According to a few statistics I have provided below, you will Causes Of Teenage Addiction shocked at what social media has done to teenagers, adults, married couples, singles, workers, and even clergies. Many people, including those we least expect, are addicts even when there are more important things to pay attention to. No doubt, the advancement of technology came with a lot of positive sides, but the flip side is, it came with a plethora of side effects as well. Allowing teenagers and even adults become addicted to these platforms is one of the deadliest parenting mistakes many parents are guilty of. Here are a few statistics to buttress my point. More than 70 percent of people sleep next to their mobile devices: Social media is not just a day thing. It has also become a night witch.

Mental Health Quotes

Statistics show that more than 70 percent of Americans sleep next to their mobile phones. About million people suffer addiction to social media: Over the years, there has been an exponential growth in internet and social media abuse as technology increases. An estimated number of million people suffer this fate. Sometimes, parents talk trivially about them and joke around when a child shows Causes Of Teenage Addiction signs, only to get serious when things get beyond control.

Check out some of the very popular signs and watch out for them in your teens, click here, wife, or friends.

You just might be helping someone who didn't realize.

Causes Of Teenage Addiction

Spending more hours on social read more than any other Causes Of Teenage Addiction Being desperate for data subscription Being too eager to receive a social media update, responses or notifications Impatience Caises doing other things just to quickly attend to social media Chatting while Cooking, eating, or in a meeting Feeling too depressed when you misplace your Smartphone Showing desperation in buying a phone When people, friends and close relatives hide their phones from you. When almost all you talk about are activities on social media When you find yourself texting or writing letters using abbreviations such as LOL Laugh out loud BRB Be right back etc.

Note: Social media addiction signs are not difficult to pinpoint.


If you notice any of such in your children, know it is time to help them overcome. In a bid to impress friends, fans or followers even more, they work hard which requires paying more attention to social media. Idleness: People who are idle use social media as an avenue to get busy by so doing get addicted. Scamming: Scamming is one thing that really gets people addicted to social media if they must succeed at Causes Of Teenage Addiction evil agenda.

Internet business: Doing a legitimate business that requires maximum exposure to social media marketing can also get one addicted.


Long-distance relationship: Because chatting is cheaper, lovers who are separated by distance can bridge that gap through social media. At every second, they want to go online in anticipation of a lovely message by a sweetheart. However, just to feel among, they opt for it, and before long, they are addicted.]

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