Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship -

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship - remarkable

Government And Leadership Of Democracy Words 4 Pages While watching news programs, reading magazines, and browsing newspapers there are many forms of government. This paper will present the authority and leadership of democracy, dictatorships, and socialism as well as the advantages and disadvantages. Democracy is described as a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed Melina, The differences between the two forms of government are almost countless. Just as each as their own unique feature, each also provides different advantages aand disadvantages. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship Video

The advantage of dictatorship.

Aristotle pointed out the economic basis of politics. Politics cannot succeed unless people are economically sound and there is no great gulf between the rich and poor. Sometimes, it tends towards dictatorship.

The Reign of Julius Caesar

Hence, it is necessary to discuss at length the safeguards of democracy, which are as follows: 1. Faith in democracy: This is the most important condition for the success of democracy.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship

People must have faith in democracy and should be ready to be governed democratically. Then they can develop qualities like majority rule, tolerance, responsibility, and independent voting power. Universal education: Universal education is another condition for the success of democracy. Without education, people cannot distinguish right from wrong.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship

Therefore, J. Removal of poverty: Removal of poverty is another safeguard of democracy. If half of the population remains below the poverty line, they cannot take any interest in the democratic process. Their time will be spent in earning two square meals a day.

Government And Leadership Of Democracy

Instead of exercising their conscience, they will vote for money. Spirit of law-abidingness: In a democracy, people should develop a spirit of law abidingness. It enhances discipline and builds the national character. It established and maintained political morality. In its absence, there will be anarchy and corruption.

Dictatorship On Essay Or Democracy

Rule of law: Rule of law is another safeguard of democracy. It means supremacy of law as opposed to supremacy of rulers.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dictatorship

There should be equality before law and equal-protection of law. Then only democracy can be real.]

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